Discovered 2000 Jan. 3 by L. Tesi and G. Forti at San Marcello Pistoiese.
Divulgatore scientifico, studioso di quadranti solari, è impegnato in ricerche astronomiche con l’Osservatorio “Carl Sagan” in Brignano (BG) – Italy, e nello sviluppo e ricerca di nuove soluzioni progettuali eco-compatibili e diffusione delle nuove tecnologie dell’illuminazione nel mondo dell’ingegneria illuminotecnica. E’ stato premiato con il 1° Galileo Award 2003 dall’International Dark Sky Association per l’impegno internazionale nel preservare il cielo stellato.
Diego Bonata, aerospace engineer born in 1968, had been the promoter in Italy of 8 regional laws (the most advanced ones in the world) for the control of light pollution and for energy saving, through the Association “Cielobuio” to which he is president starting from 2000. Scientific spreader, researcher of sundials, he is engaged in astronomical researches within the Observatory “Carl Sagan” in Brignano Gera d’Adda (Bergamo) – Italy, in the diffusion of new lighting technologies and in the development of new environmentally compatible solutions in the word of lighting engineering. In 2003 he received the first “European Galileo Award” from International Dark Sky Association for his dedication to the defence of starry sky.
Discovered 1998 Oct. 20 by M. Cavagna and A. Testa at Sormano.
Cielobuio is the Italian association against light pollution. Cielobuio played a fundamental role in Lombardy to support the passage of a regional law, one of the most advanced in the world. Through its electronic mailing list, Cielobuio connects both amateur and professional astronomers.